The part of me that stretches to the sky to see what’s on the other side is a gift, one I yearn to share. Although I am one of thousands who has pursued a path of enlightenment, I am determined to make a career out of it. How? That’s what I’m still figuring out.
Clairvoyance is easy for me. I happened to stumble upon it like a good restaurant—it’s something I truly enjoy. But the profoundness, wisdom, and joy that radiate from each and every one us, that ingredient which permeates our energy and reflects itself as others’ emotions, spiritual beings, and colorful auras is fascinating to me. These higher voices which help navigate our lives can be so profound and intoxicating. Tuning into them brings me immense comfort and joy, not to mention the healing effect it has on the people the messages are geared for.
This cognitive clairvoyance is always available to us. Science explains it, and religion paraphrases it—that we are all intertwined as one, composed of an intelligent, loving energy that expands and creates by projecting itself in unique, emotional ways. We are human and eternal at the same time. We are connected to “All That Is” while simultaneously feeling separated in order to experience duality. So which one is real? The one we focus on.

Easier said than done.
I, like so many, get bogged down in the day to day routine-- kids, laundry, housework, cleaning guinea pig cages, that I find it impossible to focus on anything other than what’s in front of me. It seems almost futile to think that in order to receive the things I want in my life I must first take time to propose a written statement and present it to the universe as a request. Oy! Another thing to do!
However, I will say that when I do take a few minutes to write down these specifics, on what I deserve, what I want to experience in my life, how I want to be treated, and how I see myself fulfilled, by God , this DOES make me feel better. It gives me worth and reminds me to trust in life’s process. So, I give myself permission to ask—for anything and everything-- for me, my family, and the world, and then I let it all go. I allow my ideas, thoughts, dreams and desires to float away into the universal matrix, knowing that my name is labeled on all of them.
In the meantime, I work with what I’ve got. I’m noticing all the little things that make me happy now. Instead of just deliberating on those things that will make me more comfortable—cash flow, a fabulous career, a new home, luxurious furniture, Pilates 3 times a week, sold out speaking engagements, writing a bestseller, Nordstrom’s sales….which I know will manifest for me, I am now starting to consciously focus on those things that bring me immediate joy. For instance, I am so happy when my daughter hangs up her clothes or doesn’t yell at me for my inability to master phone texting, and I’m ecstatic when my husband leaves the room to clear his sinuses. But the best moments lately are over my puppy dog’s stool—they’re finally firming up! And for this, I thank God out loud for all my life’s blessings!
Happy New Year 2010!
I Like your blog
Your new Blog is beautiful! Lots of good information to absorb while looking at the pretty, fun and humorous graphics. Nice going, Angel Girl.
Love, Celeste
Bless you:)
Dearest Friend!!!! I love hearing you think out loud! You just may inspire me to do what I keep saying, for about a zillions years, I would also do...write! journal! record my dream memories! get it down and then put it out there, letting it go with the winds of change. You are always an inspiration to me, so hearing you thru your blog is another wonderful way to stay in touch. luv ya forever, Sharon
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