Friday, April 01, 2011

NEW e-Workbook "Discover Your Dynamic, Brilliant Self" Plus FREE Bonuses

Recognize Your Beauty, Elegance & Grace

Clear Away Your Blocks & Fears

Increase Your Intuitive Abilities

Create the Life You Want & Deserve

Did you know that you have the innate ability to connect with your spiritual team? Call them angels, spirit guides, loved ones, masters or light beings, whatever the name, the connection is real!

Did you know that you possess something so divine, unique and special within you that it can never be destroyed, discarded or discontinued? Desire is just one of the magical, mystical ingredients that fuel our existence and ignite our passion!

Did you know that the same energy that it takes to propel a thought is the same energy that created the Universe! Invisible Matter is what expands our Consciousness, our Universe, our everything!

Years ago, after simply changing my attitude and incorporating a more accepting, forgiving point of view of myself, I essentially became clairvoyant over night! I instantly saw colorful auras and energy.

I communicated with intelligent, loving, unconditional voices and took dictation as if hearing a song. I saw and felt angelic presences that guided me and showed me visual mental postcards, ideas and possibilities.

Most of all I became extremely aware of enlightened, blissful states, along with indescribable feelings of euphoria and consistent positive encouragement.

I felt the “obviousness” of a connected universal force, the eternal life of a soul, the “knowingness” of a kind, united spiritual realm. Maybe not all at the same time, but enough to know that I “wasn’t in Kansas anymore!”

How did I do this? By getting rid of my blocks. By transmuting my pain. By delegating my fears, wants, doubts, desires. By becoming aware of my thoughts. By forgiving myself for forgetting my greatness, sweetness, gentleness, anger, frustration, body, looks, history, past—and accepting myself exactly the way I was.

And as I did this for myself, I then targeted the same intention of being free to every *&!%@* person I’d ever known who ever hurt me, bothered me, disappointed me or even knew me and I passionately claimed my worth by forgiving them in return for what I really deserved in my life…peace from my own ego-driven mind!

And my world opened up.

By doing something so simple, so effortless, so ridiculously easy I literally put my foot through the looking glass and have never really been the same again.

After many years of spiritual practice, I have done thousands of readings, blessings, channeled messages, healings, prayers and deliberate intentions. I have studied hundreds of metaphysical, inspirational, religious and success-minded books. I have also listened to my own guides in order to put together what I think is an absolute must-have workbook that can help you effectively “cut-to-the-chase” and provide peace, harmony and tranquility in your daily life.

All of these lessons, visualizations and affirmations were carefully selected. I chose the ones I felt were the most effective for creating inspiration and an altered, more heightened experience.

I especially included many of the exact exercises that worked for me.

Other parts of this workbook I literally “channeled” by answering a voice that said “write this down!” (I will say much of my writing comes from an organic, compulsive urge to capture dictated enlightened material!)

If you are ready to unload your past, realize your potential, manifest the best possible outcome, let go of ineffective habitual thoughts, raise your intuitive frequency, create more peace, harmony and joy, then you have made a wise choice with this workbook.

I have always said “It’s a pleasure to introduce you to you!”

And with this workbook I trust that you will be delightfully surprised when you

“Discover Your Dynamic, Brilliant Self!”

All the Best,

Cindy Goldenberg


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Discover Your Dynamic, Brilliant Self workbook.

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Artwork by Laura j Holman


Saturday, January 01, 2011

Successful Thinking for 2011!

It’s a New Year, a New Day, a New Way to start right?
Let’s lose weight, let’s make more money, let’s get new homes, cars, careers, boyfriends, even husbands! Yes, it’s all possible! We’re all here to create, to desire, to receive, to dream…and dream BIG!

So how do we start? What’s the best way to make room for all that we deserve?
Vision boards, contracts, deliberate intentions? Yes they’re all good, and there are many ways to stimulate the subconscious mind. But for me, sometimes it’s the simple technique of merely knowing that we are part of a divine plan that works best.

What does this mean? It means that we are innately part of a great rich substance that automatically self corrects. We are hard-wired to win, to be happy, to be provided for. It means that we matter; we deserve; we are great, special, beautiful…and we are doing the best we can. We are enough!

So why aren’t we experiencing the life we were meant to be living?
Hmmm… Tough call. Many writings and teachings tend to imply that if you were only doing more affirmations, or mental exercises, or chants, or prayers….you’d be rolling in it.

So unfair. Although it may be guised as “spiritual text,” I find so many books and articles that mean well but instead fall into the category of conditional thought.

Like “If you become this” or “If you do that,” then you will become greater, better, more perfect, more rich, more thin. Yea, I get it. And they do have a point. There is always room for self improvement.

But what I’ve learned through the many years of guiding others and being guided, touching souls and hearts, and exploring all the other metaphysical, ethereal worlds of bliss and enlightenment, is that we have what it takes to win!

We are perfect right here, right now. We are rich, purposeful, defiant and determined. We are survivors, abusers, addicts and pretenders. We are masters of drama, sabotage, rescue, judgment and blame. We are fatalistic and cruel. We are optimistic and valiant. We can overcome any challenge.We have what it takes to re-direct ourselves, resurrect, and forgive. It’s up to us. It’s all part of our pre-planned menu. It’s all a choice.

So, while creating your New Year’s goals, visions boards, forgiveness notes, and deliberate intentions, relish who you are right now. Not what you’ve done or accomplished—good or bad—negative or positive—but what you instinctively know who you are meant to be. Relish this awakening and remember your greatness.

Decide to be in each moment, in the present, with delicious surrender and confident abandonment that what you want truly wants you. That you cannot do nor are you supposed to worry about past mistakes or incorrect judgments.
Decide who you want to be, where you want to live, how you want to live, and what you want to do. And what you thought was unattainable will soon become your new reality –just because you decided it to be.

Appreciate the human drama. Each struggle, pain and triumph creates a vivid color on our collective canvas. Refuse mediocrity. Release the need to judge, condemn, or compare yourself to others. Get out of that driving lane which only leads to more conflict and angst.

Give of yourself, openly, thoroughly, consistently, without fame and glory—just do it. Whomever or whatever you give to another-money, time, consideration, is directly connected to your future fortune and bliss! How? Because you are giving out WORTH!
See everyone equal, because they really are, and do not give your power away by going along with gossip, condemnation, humiliation, judgment or entitlement thinking, (these are sure fire ways to block your divine inheritance!)

Be free of ridicule—do not care—and ask to see yourself through "their” eyes regardless of your method of faith or religion. Something greater than ourselves (God, Angels, Spirit, Nature, Universe, Light, etc.) loves us very, very much!

Transcend each and every moment. Forgive, release and let go of any thoughts, ideas, people, or reactions that you do not want to experience. Stay focused and clear on only the possibility of your joy—not the illusive reality someone else has created.

Surrender your painful memories, hurt, frustrations or grudges to whomever you feel comfortable talking and/or praying to.

Remember it’s the intention to be free of destructive blocks that’s important, not the method or conditional thought. “They/He/She” do (does) not care what you call them.

See yourself as “they” do—funny, sad, affectionate, sensitive, creative, hopeful—all emotions are perfect—that’s why you have them.

And trust that your ideas, desires and joys are not only being heard but are being placed in your path, all falling under the category of “Divine Timing!”

Nothing goes wasted—ever—especially the love you have for yourself and others. Forgive yourself for forgetting this.

Your inspired mindset will take you to new places that you never dreamed of—or maybe you have. Either way it’s time to receive all that’s great in the world just because your are part of it.

Hold out your hands, close your eyes, breathe in your light and say,
“Thank You” for these divine gifts. As your hands get heavy (and they will) smile and place these dreams and desires in your heart. Realize this moment is the start of all great things! Today is your day-this is your year! Ask, relish, attract and receive!

You deserve and will have all the best life has to offer!

Happy New Year! I wish you well!

In Joy & Gratitude,
Cindy Goldenberg
Hay House, Inc.