Gee, no matter who we are or how much money we have, the question remains the same, why can’t we just get along? Families are difficult. There’s no doubt about it. We are placed upon this earth to discover who we are. Sometimes, that means we have to struggle, scratch, attack, and then come back to the roots of our basic family dynamics—just what are we supposed to do with each other?
Tori Spelling is a lovely young woman. I remember her as a little girl, about 6 or 7, playing the part of school girl, helping a detective solve a crime—or something like that. It was in the early 80’s, at the height of
Aaron Spelling’s dynasty of mega-hit television programs. I was a production assistant for
Lee Horsely, who played the handsome and dashing “Matt Houston.” We were filming on location, at a beautiful old mansion that was scripted to be an exclusive all girls’ school. Aaron,
Candy, and Tori walked onto the outdoor set. Tori had her acting coach and Candy had her own body guard. She was dripping in diamonds, from head to toe. I remember how much she sparkled in the bright morning sun! I was impressed. It was exciting to see a family of such privilege up close and personal.
Aaron was polite, and acknowledged everyone with folksy hellos. The cast and crew were on their best behavior, and Candy teared up while she watched her daughter shoot the scene. (As a mom, I would too!) I would see them occasionally at other times, like at a season’s end wrap party, or see Aaron walking around the studio lot.
One time I saw Aaron and Candy at the Academy Awards back in 1984. An editor friend of my future husband had given us his ticket so my then boyfriend could attend and see me perform in one of the grand dance numbers. Towards the end of the evening, I ran upstairs to the front center balcony to fortunately find a seat next to my guy, watch the end of the show, and then leave and walk amongst all of Hollywood’s who’s who. Aaron and Candy got up, turned to exit, faced us, and I said “Hi, good to see you again,” feeling smug in my black velvet mini-dress and high heels—which made me clearly over 6’ 4”! I had hoped that they would me remember me as the nice employee and assistant to one of his stars. Aaron smiled. Candy glared. Anyway, I digress.
As for Tori, I don’t know her personally, but I would guess that she would be easy to approach and have a lively conversation with. Candy, on the other hand, doesn’t seem like she would have you over for tea—unless she was perfectly coiffed, presented, and arranged. So why do we believe one is better than the other? Because in one situation, we can easily imagine ourselves in, and the other, we don’t want to. Either way, we identify with both of them.
It could be that Candy has a red aura personality—one which portrays majestic royalty and tradition with impeccable pride, regardless of what others think. And this, most likely, brings up our own issues of inadequacy. Tori, on the other hand has an effervescent lavender aura personality, one that sees the world as a magical place , full of wonder and endless possibility, tolerance, and acceptance.
Regardless of our colors and personality techniques, we all react and behave in ways that reflect our upbringing. We don’t realize it, but we are so programmed to be so defensive for so much of our lives. It isn’t until we get older, and crankier or just less patient (diminishing hormones maybe?) that we finally realize that all we’re really doing is self-sabotaging our own relationships. Who can’t identify with the overbearing mother? Who can’t identify with the inadequate promoting “you’re a failure to me” father? Some may not, but most do. The thing is, we are only reacting to our own projected ideas as to what we think we should be.
As a clairvoyant, I see and feel energy around people effortlessly and easily. I also see symbols and archetypes around people like repetitive patterns of fabric. Yet, as an empath, and seeker of truth, joy, and spiritual enlightenment, I feel a compassionate answer that always explains, in a discerning way, why we act the way we do. I am often shown psychic images why someone is the way they are: Like seeing in my minds eye a child, who was abandoned and neglected by drunken parents, left alone to cry, all before he had the capacity to remember. But our memories are stored in our auras. They are intertwined within our spirit, and they permeate our soul while living in our subconscious mind.
Before we try to maintain decorum, or compartmentalize everyone’s action and reaction, we should first know that there is a reason for every behavior. And although we’re not good at it all the time, the part of us that is eternal really wants to forgive and allow and accept the freedom of being loved and valued. So knowing that, all we can do is sit patiently and wait for our angels to help us dissolve our self-destructive barriers to make room for the joy we deserve.
Processing this information is futile. Logic never works. But by allowing ourselves the freedom to wander, into the lands of anger and frustration, we can then make our return to common knowledge and divine perfection all the better. When we decide, or should I say when we decide to remember, that we are loved and valued by others, and by something or someone more powerful and grand than ourselves, we attract the same in others. And from his, we gain a retrospect, of how we could have or should have done things better, only to realize we achieved this understanding perfectly after all.
Love and forgiveness. It happens whether we like it or not. Why? Because we’re made of it. But it’s the process of discovery that makes it all worth while—in Tori’s world, in Candyland, and in all our life’s adventures. Watch and see. This reunion is inevitable. And when it happens, we will admire them and see our own reflection in their mirrors, and realize too, that this has been another smashing Spelling Production!